Friday, January 4, 2013

Winter "Break"

Any teacher knows what the quotation marks around the word "break" indicate... that we really never, ever, ever take one. Maybe a few days were spent not thinking about school or working, but that's it!

I am feeling the back-to-school panic as I realize I am now looking at simply a regular week-end as far as time-off goes... I have done NOTHING that I had hoped to as far as my classroom goes.  Oh well, perhaps tomorrow!?

Think I will be starting some new things for the new year. I'm still married to SpringBoard, so I don't have a ton of flexibility, but there are so many cute and inspirational blogs out there, I feel inspired to sneak in some other stuff whenever I can.

I did acquire an iPad for Christmas, which is part of the reason why I haven't gotten as much done for school as I'd like.  I've been trying to figure out ways to make the iPad replace a lot of the heavy "stuff" I carry around.  Sometimes I wonder if the technology makes life easier or not? The learning curve certainly adds to the length of time it takes me to make a grocery list these days.  I'm sure I'll get the hang of it!

Well, enough procrastinating for tonight.  I should do something productive!